999 Reasons to Laugh website said today:
"‘Please stop obsessing,‘ Your infertile brain screams at you after you have been obsessing about how to get pregnant for the past four hours.”You are hurting my mind already!”

Stop thinking how you once gleefully confided in a friend that you were thinking about trying and now two years later, she has a baby and you don’t. Stop remembering that day when your little cousin asked you for pregnancy advice and you happily advised her to start taking Folic Acid and now her son is one years old. Stop comparing yourself to all your friends and thinking that all of them babies and you do not. Stop feeling horrified that your friend, Connie (I-get-pregnant-on-my-first-try) Smith, just gave birth to her second child. Stop looking for answers on Google because it never tells you anything useful. Stop googling fertility drugs and side effects if you don’t want to know a scary answer. Stop logging onto Facebook and checking out photos of your friend’s not so cute baby and then feel depressed about it for the rest of the day. Stop taking the phone with you into the toilet just in case the fertility clinic calls you back. Stop running to the drug store to purchase Robitussin cough syrup because you read in the newspaper that it helps with fertility.
For the love of cervical mucus! Please stop obsessing and fill your mind with other happy positive thoughts. Start enjoying your life again and remember that life does not stop for infertility. Don’t keep putting your life on hold while you wait.
Your Exhausted Brain"
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22
"‘Please stop obsessing,‘ Your infertile brain screams at you after you have been obsessing about how to get pregnant for the past four hours.”You are hurting my mind already!”

Stop thinking how you once gleefully confided in a friend that you were thinking about trying and now two years later, she has a baby and you don’t. Stop remembering that day when your little cousin asked you for pregnancy advice and you happily advised her to start taking Folic Acid and now her son is one years old. Stop comparing yourself to all your friends and thinking that all of them babies and you do not. Stop feeling horrified that your friend, Connie (I-get-pregnant-on-my-first-try) Smith, just gave birth to her second child. Stop looking for answers on Google because it never tells you anything useful. Stop googling fertility drugs and side effects if you don’t want to know a scary answer. Stop logging onto Facebook and checking out photos of your friend’s not so cute baby and then feel depressed about it for the rest of the day. Stop taking the phone with you into the toilet just in case the fertility clinic calls you back. Stop running to the drug store to purchase Robitussin cough syrup because you read in the newspaper that it helps with fertility.
For the love of cervical mucus! Please stop obsessing and fill your mind with other happy positive thoughts. Start enjoying your life again and remember that life does not stop for infertility. Don’t keep putting your life on hold while you wait.
Your Exhausted Brain"
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22
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